


Genius Loci van this chapel

Genius Loci of this tumulus?
spiritual spot (1500 vC)

    COURSES: Of course you can learn to dowse with us. It is not a special gift. You can check your own environment to harmful energy patterns, but what is most beautiful, you're looking at a church or other sacred building with different eyes (eg Asian on holiday) You see through the architecture of the church, especially equipped to approach the altar with maximum electric induction in your body and the feeling of the beauty. The course is not free of charge and lasts two days. The emphasis is on identifying and feeling the genii loci.

      We will also visit sacred places.

      Day 1 We usually start at 11.00 (includes lunch) and 2 hours of theory at my home.   Then we go to Bergeijk, where we measure a mound and investigate what's so special about the Heksenbusselke.   (An oak with stories). then we go to Leenderstrijp for measuring the chapel on the leyline.

      Day 2 We go to Oerle and measure the old church (the church has been twisted). After this we go to the Old Tower, where the ship is gone. The problem is to point 2 spots of the altar. (In history there were 2 churches)   We go to Zandoerle to Toterfout.Een wonderful place to be. We will practice thorough selection of the different line types.   And there are many special barrows. A day to remember.

    If you are a few days in The Netherlands, send a email.

    Feel the genius loci
    with your bare hands (1500 BC)